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Punk is very Identic with Anarkisme

Tuesday 17 February 2009

Reaganomic failure and defeat the United States in the Vietnam War in the 1980s participated in the heating temperature of punk at that time. Punk bands to the second wave (1980-1984), such as Crass, Conflict, and Discharge from the UK, The Ex, and from the Dutch BGK, MDC and Dead Kennedys from the United States have become the punk soul rebel pemendam (rebellious thinkers) rather than simply devotee rock n 'roll. Ideology anarkisme been carried by the band's first wave of punk (1972-1978), among others, Sex Pistols and The Clash,
seen as the only option for those who already
loss of trust in state authorities, the community, and
the music industry.

In Indonesia, the term anarchy, anarchist anarkisme or used by the media massaWilliam godwin, Pierre-Joseph Proudhon and Mikhail Bakunin,
anarkisme is an ideology that seeks terbentuknya
society without the state, with the assumption that the state is a
legal form of dictatorship that should be ended. to declare an action destruction, violence or mass melee. In fact according to the pencetusnya, namely

Set of state laws and regulations that often
are pemaksaan, limiting the citizen to choose and
responsible for their own choice. The principled anarchist
domination over the country when people terhapuskan, the right to utilize
natural wealth and human resources will be developed with
itself. People can meet the needs of their own lives without
intervention of the state.

Folk punk memaknai anarkisme not only a political understanding
only. In daily life, anarkisme means without rules
pengekang, both from the public and the recording companies, because
they can create their own rules of living and recording company
according to their desire. Punk ethics this is the kind commonly referred to as DIY (do it yourself / make your own).

Involvement in the punk ideology anarkisme this end
give new color anarkisme ideology in itself, because punk
have to khasan-segregated in gerakannya. The punk movement mengusung anarkisme commonly referred to as the ideology of the movement Anarko-punk.
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