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Burgerkill is Metal Punk Band From Bandung

Saturday 18 April 2009


This year is the most busy and full field for Burgerkill, metal band on the original board of Bandung. Start from the promo album, tour and manggung, vocal audition, a new line-up, merchandising, soundtrack, hellclub, the new site, to penggodokan material Anyar seabrek and other activities. Band concert to open the new The Black Dahlia Murder are reasonable call 'Hellyeah' after 12 years of his career and consistently productive. Fasting month ago Apokalip was talking via email with guitarist frontman Burgerkill trap, Ariestanto aka Ebenz. See comments about the course of Scumbag, formula Anyar material, style of living super-busy, and the ambition which seems to never end ...

Burgerkill now have a new vocalist of the audition results. Vicki is actually what the advantages compared to the other candidates?
In fact the most light from the other candidates with Vicki is a seriousness, and kesiapannya during the audition yesterday. Different stages of the test based on our criteria, he can overcome all the mental attitude and a good enough. It's a serious, kidding, oiled-up event mabukan can dilibas almost flawless, hahaha.
Vocal audition at the time, what you search for a similar character or mnedekati [alm] Ivan Scumbag?
From the beginning we did not mind at all to find the characters sound the same with the deceased. We are all aware that the correct people have every character a different voice. Therefore, when we audition more focused to the needs of our poinnya against a vocalist - a good skill, mental, interaction and performance on the stage. In addition, we also avoid the very presence of the vocalist of her contract LSD [Diseases Lead Singer], for example; arrogant, stubborn, difficult to set up, and so forth. Hehe, it may already be a common disease that they have on the wind. But is not that we find them, so kill 'em all!

http://www.google.co.id/images?q=tbn:Rx7-WbFoQNFJ_M::syraru.files.wordpress.com/2008/10/burger_kill.jpgAccording to you, he can match the capacity and charisma [alm] Ivan Scumbag?
Clearly, for the deceased Ivan charisma can not be replaced by anyone and at any time. We realize that right. But the capacity to deal with all of us know that depending on the process and the willingness of the self to be better and continue to improve at every opportunity the next. Yah hopefully Vicki continue to adapt to the needs of all in the process of work Burgerkill next.

http://dapurletter.com/foto/BKBAND2.jpgWill fans still Burgerkill often weigh the vocalist who is now with the tools?
Vicki far is already in the safe point. All friends and fans have started Burgerkill also can adapt to the presence in the body of Vicki Burgerkill. This also supported the interaction of performance and increasing significantly when on the stage or in the environment daily. Perhaps for their own region Bandung Vicki is not a new face, because he had previously joined the Balcony, Savor of Filth and Fall Heaven at last. I have pro and contra aja, it's only positive we try to respond aja, toh would be the utmost I have, hehehe. Time will tell bro ...

Okay, say you have started entering the stage of writing the latest music material. Can tell how far it is the result?
Yap, this month we are fasting to focus penggarapan new material. So far so good. Already have two new songs that we still continue to complete. According to the plan early November we will want in studio to record a five song demo as early.

As what the music production process at this time?
Usually the early ideas and kerangkanya that I always make, from the album Dua Sisi and Rustic. For the album Beyond Coma and Despair about 60% of the early material that I do, and the rest we garap equally in the exercise studio. Now, for the material that now we garap equally in basecamp Burgerkill. I personally do pengennya in the next album all the personnel have the same strong contribution in the whole process. So that later we can together form a bond's vision and mission, a more solid and powerful to run into the music industry world ganasnya Indonesia, hehehe.

Approximately what style music Burgerkill next? There is a difference compared to the previous music?
Not too different from the previous album, only now we have ngerasa far more progress in almost all lines. Many new influence-influence in the contributing structures in the new material Burgerkill. European bands such as Gojira, Hacride, Meshuggah or Lyxanzia gave many new ideas in the middle to play a heavy beat. While U.S. bands such as old-school Megadeth, Slayer, Monstrosity, Canibal Corpse, Pantera, Anthrax, and also remain important in the foundation gives a lot of inspiration in the songs and emotions penggarapan structure. In addition, our many vocal sessions on bereferensi Devin Townsend, Mark Hunter, Bjorn Speed, etc.. Hehe, monggo dikira about what happens later. Clear that the presence of Ramdan and Vicki as a new striker in our team feels very contribution. Ramdan came with his Swedish-thick. Vicki is supported by a strong enough in the session clean vocal distortion and could be its new weapon in the battle for our next album.

bandosoeben.jpg Eben Burger Kill and Me image by noturno999
Then, without Ivan, who later would write the lyrics? Themes are likely to be appointed?
Clearly this task sepeninggal Ivan akan submitted on Vicki to continue. Writing lyrics is also a part of the assessment process on our audition yesterday. Where all the candidate is required to make two lyrics in Indonesian and English as a material consideration. We see this far Vicki have the capacity to provide emotional and write in it. For the theme we now try more prudent in selecting topics and language that will be used. But we will still raise issues about personal interaction with their environment in a perspective wider. I honestly aja and children have little trauma to the lyrics-the lyrics about keputus-asaan and death. Given what happens to the deceased Ivan with lyrics-the lyrics that he made a lot of which end of the story of his life. Since the events that we believe that a greeting or lyrics it is a prayer that slowly akan pembuktiannya have, any of the shapes ...

Then when the target will release a new album again?
The target mid next year we release a new album. We are working in the cultural body Burgerkill always release the album three years. Bantu doanya so hopefully all this plan is running smoothly.

Like previous albums, we still believe in the later-produseri by Yayat Achdiyat. If you know why you can always use his services?
Wah, gak akan ada utmost severity ngebahas this person in our eyes. The contribution and loyalitasnya, Yayat we have personnel in the six-to Burgerkill. Perhaps he was the only producers who understand the true condition and needs of children since the album Dua Sisi until now. He was one of a very old-kan us and we always mintai akan any opinion related to the Burgerkill. Yayat was very flexible with the work of children. However, in certain conditions he is also very firm and in each perfeksionis work. Yayat Burgerkill with it like Rick Rubin with Slayer, or the like with the seed stem mas, hehehe.

And still use their own label, Revolt Records? There is a possibility or join with another record label, major label again, for example?
So far we have not discussed the problem label, Revolt or the other. Only we plan to invite the cooperation of major distribution in the hope that it can be spread more evenly and, as already done Seringai with Universal Music. Aja yah we will see what the ...

Many are curious, Revolt Records is indeed a special label or Burgerkill course there is a possibility the band released an album belonging to others as well?
Revolt Records selebar-opened the door wide to anyone who would like to make cooperation with us. Already have a plan label bands to the next, we are still free hit financial problems in its production so slightly delayed. Revolt Records hope we can join the band ngebantu other friends who have the same constraints in the label business, distribution, promotion, and whatever they need.

Sepeninggal Ivan, you will now be the only original Burgerkill personnel. What is it?
Mmm, I am somewhat confused ngejawabnya. In fact this burden that is a previous show. But there I have friends and loyal team that always accompany and help manage the load into a new challenge that must be faced. Indeed, sometimes the feeling of depression came on when I get stuck thinking to do something in this band, and of course this is the very one. Fortunately the frequency of children gathered, and still meet as first time Ivan still the deceased, so I had a lonely hehe.

And like you more dominant in managing all activities almost Burgerkill. Authoritarian fear not spelled out by other personnel?
Buatku anything I can do will make Burgerkill I kerjain. How do capeknya I never once during the same pikirin I enjoy ngerjainnya. Almost 12 years past most of the time, energy, and thought I curahin to Burgerkill. It's a strange day aja kalo gak with any band that urusannya. I mengganggap has become tugasku as the oldest person in the Burgerkill to manage. Not mean that others do not care just may be the most I have plenty of time, while the other is busy with the routines of each. Fortunately the children aware of the correct conditions. Yah namanya are also so should be able to cover each other with the lack of advantages of each ...

Or perhaps the role that you can reconcile such as Ahmad Dhani of Dewa?
Hahaha, Ahmad Dhani that now fill his head 70% commercial and 30% of its idealist. He would have brought a mikirin where god, that behavior can be important gimanapun how he halalkan. He was seen running in the authoritarian position. If I may be in Burgerkill of the. I always try to think how to carry on with Rejeki 'sell' idealist who we have in any form. I also always try to bring all things related to the forum Burgerkill children first before deciding. Create a field that we find Burgerkill Rejeki that must be processed together and can also be shared. But in the side there are also some principles of leadership that I like from an Ahmad Dhani, I only just match all conditions in the body Burgerkill.

Then with a rush you seabrek that, once dapet complain of personnel, management or family?
To complain is definitely a problem there is. Sure each person in the sekitarku always want to have a quota in the business more time, thought and attention. Syukurnya both sides of the family and children also participate in supporting all activities that I do, for the positive. I like things that I consider the risks of the profession I chose. Alhamdullilah and, so far all be running smoothly.

Wah, has been super-busy in Burgerkill, you still had time to make the project band Machine combat. What people say is the band?
Combat engine good aja, hehe. Still mad and will own. In fact this is now quite difficult to set the schedule between Burgerkill and combat engines, as engines for job bids have started a lot of combat. But because this is only a side project, so I still apply Burgerkill as a top priority. The plan is early December we want to record a 20 song greatest hits album from combat machine. Hopefully release in early 2008 later ...

Recently, one of the songs Burgerkill entry so Kliwon Friday Night OST. What tuh story?
Friday Night OST actually Kliwon is our second opportunity of cooperation with the Film Indika previously been included in the OST songs we Hantu Jeruk rough-skinned. Originally a close friend we trusted by the Indika Movies talent to find a suitable band made their film soundtrack. Now some of the band that finally we asked the kepilih, and we agreed to fill the soundtrack of cooperation in those two films. Yah I think we have one for the new search experience all the promo album to the film audience who tend to be more universal kalangannya.

Oya, Burgerkill also had manggung the biggest music-fest, Soundrenaline. What's going on there?
Wuih, in the main Soundrenaline that many impressions. Backstage atmosphere of a different, wider audience, and mental preparation for our show this maximum in the event. Yes we are given the opportunity seneng the teeth in a performance there. We are also proud to have representatives from at least under the land that the community can participate in event of brisk Soundrenaline. Alhamdullilah, audience response, Bandung and Surabaya in good enough for us and the providers. At least as I read to them in large industrial community that we have a very strong power. Hopefully in the next year my friends from the community we can also appear in the event it was ...

Show schedule is tight enough lately. Maybe this year the most throughout his career Burgerkill. Impressions and experiences which are as long as you can show a series of these?
Yap is correct, this is the year with a schedule most Burgerkill play throughout his career. Until we often confuse a bid to set the job that sometimes at the same time. Many interesting impressions and experiences in each city that we go. One of a series of tour East Java and Bali, which is the first tour that we jalanin. During the ten days more we travel to five cities with the bus with the group of people mad in it, haha. Still good in my head like what atmosphere. Bayangin aja we just be aware of the condition aja pas bedtime. The rest is a need to diceritain again, hehe. Ten days of madness ...

City which had never visited, but you soon want to come and manggung there?
Wah is still a lot of cities that have not we go. For Java aja we can not play in Semarang, Jember, Purwokerto, and Kediri. For its outside Java, such as Padang, Lampung, Samarinda, Menado, Pontianak and many other. Insyaallah next year we can come to more cities more ...

Well, now you tell fansclub matter of a new, Begundal Hellclub ...
Begundal Hellclub is actually not a fansclub. This is only a gathering place of friends who like music akan Burgerkill and respect towards us during this movement. Initially a lot of friends who want to interact more closely with us in Burgerkill and suggest to create a vessel that is devoted for those who want to get more of our facilities, such as access to get merchandise discounts, or attend private events such as secret - show, and others. Why do we as Begundal Hellclub, not Burgerkill Hellclub? Because we also include begundal-begundal concerned akan Burgerkill and future. Alhamdullilah registration in the first wave already have 225 people that participated, and in the second wave has now been almost 70 people registered. Hopefully with this Begundal Hellclub can assist career Burgerkill the next good idea, contribution, or support spiritnya.

Gosipnya you are also preparing project documentation DVD Burgerkill career journey. It is up to where the process?
Hehe, this project was the most relaxed that we garap. Indeed, initially we know this DVD is finished it, but after consultation to friends and to weigh more projects like this DVD akan do we slowly adjusted to the quality content and good editing to make it more feasible to enjoy. Hopefully the beginning of the year 2008 we can later its DVD release ...

Yups, already twelve years old you still have it here and continue to work. There is still hope and obsession Burgerkill that have not been achieved until now?
I hope the talk and obsession Burgerkill there is no utmost. Individual personnel are involved in Burgerkill have many and varied expectations and the obsession of what we're up now. Obsession from start to 'go international' Bad dreams are often incompetent that we shared. Such as the records as the Revolt of Roadrunner record label, haha. But the biggest hope for us is the existence in the works ...
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