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History When Punk Was Born

Saturday 18 June 2011

History When Punk Was Born
Well, this is my first posting. I will be talking about punk, well .. Punk history. That is a sub-culture that was born in the UK is actually already started in America in the 1970s. Actually, at first was not punk music or fashion that we know today. Punk is actually the attitude born of the nature of the rebels, feeling resentful, dissatisfied, angry, it gives birth to punk. Nature is what drives the punker to mengapresiasikannya into music and fashion. Punk is more famous in her fashion and her attitude, the punker usually dressed in shabby, tight jeans, boots, and his Mohawk haircut colored light, anti-social, anti-establishment, and many thought if people are dressed like it is worth mentioning as a punker. Many today are claiming to admit as a punker, but just follow the fashion of his course, did not know what it is punk, and how should a punker's lifestyle.

Punk is often misinterpreted as the rioters and also glue sniffer because Britain had an outbreak in the use of glue as a substitute for beer. That's what makes a bad image of punk punker but not all can be considered as scum. Well that's the view of those of punk, scum.

Punk has confidence Ourselves WE CAN DO IT. Ethics DIY (do-it-yourself) is a concept that focuses into the values ​​of friendship. The spirit stood without assistance from any party and also "self empowerment" and "anti-estabushment".

Punk also actually hated on "street fashion", the social, political and economic oppression and glam objects (eg such as the factions artists, hippies and rock). Yes you could say that punk is a trend against the trend.

At first punk groups are often confused by skinhead groups. But in the 1980's punks and skinheads as if fused due to the rise of punk at that time. Reaganomic failure and defeat of the United States in the Vietnam War in the 1980s helped heat up the temperature of the punk world at that time. Punk bands second wave (1980-1984), such as Crass, Conflict, and Discharge of England, The Ex and the Dutch BGK, MDC and the Dead Kennedys from the United States has transformed the rebellious spirit of punk into pemendam (Rebellious thinkers) rather than just a cult rock n 'roll. The ideology of anarchism ever carried by the punk band's first wave (1972-1978), among others, the Sex Pistols and The Clash, is seen as the only option for those who have lost confidence in the authority of the state, society, and the music industry.
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