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The Filosofy Of punk-punk ideology of anarchy is not correct

Tuesday 17 February 2009

What is the relationship with Anarkisme and Punk in the corner of the world. The failure of the politicians in the "political sell - to buy" a convincing counter culture ideas that we will all be much better life without vampir-vampir this. "All the government did not want and do not need, do not have services that can be provided that the government can not be provided by a community of self-reliance. We do not need to be - ordered to do something or told how to keep our lives especially burdened by taxes, regulation, regulation - regulation and demands - demands we will work "(Profane Existence (PE) # 5, August 1990 p. 38, Ayf)
When must choose between political ideology: Punk tend anarchist. This does not override the fact that still have not read the punk history and still continue to promote berlanjutnya forms of capitalism or communism walk the earth. But it can be said almost all believe will Punk anarchist principles is to not use the regulator or government official and respect freedom and individual responsibility (who does not). Profane Existence (PE next written) is a fanzine Punk anarchist in the United States which contains reportase politics and music from the anarchist perspective. The contents of this magazine includes many periodikal intended for readers-readers who are starting an intellectual activist and began to leave the musical movement to the political Punk.

Previous note Scene in Europe has a lot of fanzine-fanzine and band anarchist punk history because there more active than their colleagues in the American union. The editor and editor-fanzine is inspired by waves 2 to Punk in Europe (1980 - 1984) a very politically oriented. Bands like CRASS, Conflict, and Discharge in the UK, THE EX BGK and in the Netherlands and the MDC and DEAD Kennedy in the United States of Punk Rock N Roll berandalan into thinking that the rebels. Inherited the spirit of this now by millions of bands that play various musical spectrum Punk. Los Crudos scream in front of the face of the oppressor with the lyrics for the explicit lyrics-awareness classes and Propagandhi find its place in the rhythm that's easy to pop Punk disenandungkan, this is all the thousands of young people around the world proudly call themselves "anarchist" and start the healthy regime will show ketidaksukaan-governance regime of the world.

"In the early development of the so-called civilization is that few people realize if they can live easily and become rich by making other people work for them, people use this indirection menginstitusi even violence to themselves as chairman, saint, or king clergy. By using threats and tahayul they make people - people docile, where these people is always the subject of people who find a way and then became the new ruler, the ruler in the name of reform that will never produce any changes because the fixed maintain the existence of government "(PE des 1989, p. 19, Felix" brief history by Prof. Anarkisme. Felix ").

Punk has been on the move Anarkisme as an alternative system for the world that exist now get involved find alternative continuity of the cycle of repression occurred in every revolution for this.

The nature of governance (hierarchy and overall) includes the oppression and exploitation for all the people inside (or at least exposed to the effect). Unlike other contra bourgeois culture Punk reject communism and the left-wing tradition of all - the government - especially democratic capitalism. Reform of the party considered Punk is not enough because the highly static nature (such as with the need to maintain the formal government). Fun reform not only liberate the people who telibat therein. However, like communism, Punk is involved in various movements that support the rights of women, class and workers alike hated capitalist society. Many members of the community involved in the demonstration Punk-demonstration organized by the League Spartakis or groups Marxis, Leninis, Trotskys other. This is because they have a goal-a goal similar to that in a few specific issues. Anarkisme and anyone who reads history will be aware of the reality that communism has been far from the goal melenceng "ideal" will be a "country", especially when viewed from the glass eye anarchic state of decline. "Group-communist group that has lost the power to discuss about togetherness in one line and show the power of communism as a noble fight for equality and justice for capitalist domination. But the fact of the party left-wing parties are natural autoritarian. Every system which has dominated the philosophy of one human by another human being has the possibility to suppress.

Groups, communists will never fight for the exemption because the masses will only make them hampered in efforts to hold power. When they get the road towards the power they will adopt nature as well as the authorities suppress-state authorities before them "(PE # 2 February 1990 The 22, and Felix Rat, Revolt Against communism). Evidence will overwhelm the nature of communism is not only based on the regime - the Communist regime griper have at this time, as it has actually happened since pemberotakan Krondstat year 1921, Ukrainian anarchist movement in 1918 - 21 civil war spain and the year 1936 - 1939 when the anarchist dihianati and destroyed by Communist totalitarian power.

Regime-the Communist regime does not substantially different from the regime-a regime they tumbangkan, at least in one subject BECOME Organizer / anarchist while authorities believe the revolution is not a simple change that (though probably very very bloody) from one regulator to the anarchic means without lainnya_karena regulator / authority. "Dizaman where we live the revolution only means of professional engineering class one communist organization that plans to overthrow capitalist system and replace it with a system to try the same if not more busuknya oppress from the current" (PE # 1 p. 29, Band Minnessota Destroy) In understanding of this revolution is only a vicious circle: one of rebellion without orientation that will only strengthen the position of the new class regime will replace the old position of the ruler. Communism does not have the interest exemption will be withdrawn from mental control that can not be separated in all facets of our lives at this time: to remove the power itself, which is the ideal Anarkis__ .. and also because this is not the same communism diingkan by the anarchist as capitalism.

Punk movement comes from countries that have policies of capitalist democracy false. Things that make capitalism and the problems of creation become the main target of the political Punk. Lack of housing menciptaka homeless, klasikisme the cause of thought and narrow-exploitation at the workplace is the result of a system built on the basis of greed. While not necessary, if denied that capitalism system also makes some people can experience the luxury of living. Which is the result of the exploitation of them-they do not have that luxury. Ancient belief will become rich through hard work and honesty is the most ridiculous myths that have been dicekokkan to head kita_.karena when it actually happens then I have been very very rich at this time. In capitalist society the definition of success defined in luxury and commodities, using the definition where this middle-class is "more than enough" will reject radical changes, with the middle-class status they were terrified to be a "poor" .. kecenderungannya is that they feel are poor MUST feel material (and more often) work hard in order to meet the luxury of middle-class lifestyle. The fact that people - people prefer pillage TV and stereo equipment from the food in the case - the case of pillage, teryakinkan show them that life has a better means having more goods. No doubt the luxury of time and money on making this life become more mudah_tetapi to assess the success and failure only in terms of the impact this has is very dangerous. Capitalism associated with the model - a model teoritikal each mengasumsikan - each man trying to maximize profits INDIVIDUALNYA_. "Using the model of the whole organism as an example to change all of a commodity that can be bought and sold" (Maximum Rock n Roll (MRR) # 98 July 1991, New World Order). This is most obvious in the environment destroyed - we hidupi debris _.ketika now only calculate the economic value - the value of the product environment without menggubris loss - loss diakibatkannya _.hal this is a sure sign of disaster for the next generation of human beings (including inside animals and plants). In the most extreme cases "of thought - thought reached its peak when people fight each other _dan things become commodities for human lainnya_. make a killing already lost meaning "(ibid).

One point is very important to be here is to use the example of war going on in the bay middle East in the year `1991. Often it is said that capitalism is kanibalisasi. This statement is usually used to describe how the corporate owners and executives - the executive order to exploit a fellow human benefit profit. Capitalism often look very happy on the trial a group of other people. During the gulf war the soldiers of both parties is a tool - a tool that is capable of increasing the level of business and profit-making; an addition to the fact the fact hundreds of thousands of people who do not know menahu loss of life; and try a civilization destroyed. Implications sad it has a different impact in the United States: the war money, without the need to further think that war is ONE ERROR, can be seen from the various types of economic results from the Dessert Storm war _kaos, Kaset Video, Television broadcasting rights and a sticker - a sticker with the slogan - slogan rasis will be the death of another person for capitalist profit. Oil companies are "winning" the war is viewed from the profits generated. Popular anti-war slogan that says "NO BLOOD FOR OIL" should more accurately diteriakkan as "NO BLOOD FOR Profit." United States spent more than about sixty billion U.S. dollars (not including loss of lives from both sides of the associate and Iraq), this is a moral crime sebabjika more accurately calculate the profits that the U.S. "With the contribution of 57 billion dollars by partner added 18 billion dollars by Saudi Arabia and Kuwait for the purchase - the purchase of new weapons. Peramng this is a land of gold which is very profitable U.S. government "not only for the United States government alone but also involves the company's contractors - contractors who will fatten large earthen jar to hold water - the money they build earthen jar to hold water that destroyed Iraq lebur_semakin black-and-blue will be more and more re-built and means more profit. Seems to be taking advantage of the war is revolting, but this is terjadi_ .. Seriakt many in the United States that is considered too far away to think the war made for personal benefit other than to increase the amount of unemployment and a patriotic spirit behind the mask "objektifitas military ",_." some people may use an integrated conspiracy theory to explain this phenomenon, but kai think it is not necessary _.karena reality is simple: take advantage of the war is rational action; capitalist system in which all things are changing all komoditi_.dimana value determined by " free market "this also makes capitalism _.. during the period of life the devil is always based dehumanisasi and human exploitation (including animals and plants and their lingkuangan) for benefits, a matter that will never be accepted by the anarchist. There's more reasons - another reason why anrkis countries reject capitalism as a false democracy that will be presented later in this paper. The anarchist Punk invisible agree with many things - things that ordinary diperjuangkan by the radical, and liberal groups - the "far left" _.seperti such as belief in the fight for the rights of women, parity, racial, rights - rights for gaybaik involved in the liberal platform and so Anarkis_.meskipun similarity - similarity anarchist does not mean this is not chide each other (even more than hujatan - hujatan on the right wing) with the left wing: "It seems quite strange when the berkoalisi and anarchist groups working together - the left-wing group _.karena Anarkisme is in fact contrary to the left wing and right wing "(PE # 2 and Felix Rat) protests - anti-war protests in the United States fleet can illustrate the difference between the left wing of the anarchist. The left-wing protester shows the inginan them to "take the attitude egaliterisme radical" (MRR # 99 New World Order) overall view of the anarchist left wing is the fear to do something that brings in direct confrontation with the country "_secara personal author (Craig O_ Hara) 2 attend anti-war protest in Washington DC and see the charges - a claim the anarchist. He also saw protest - protest made by some liberal groups which is a vehicle to take point - point for groups to take their keuntungan_sembari promote themselves and sell the merchandise. "The leaders of movement - the movement was essensi told the demostran behind peneriak - peneriak slogan and then tighten the line" like humans - that civilized man "and is against them - that they are outside barian_serta the pedestrian is in the pavement - sidewalk jaln and behave like the media .. spontaneity and creativity have been dikebiri_dan for them - they have a different view are controlled by "monitor - monitor the peace" and kept lakunya_ whim "(ibid) The process of coalition building - often the result of the coalition's protests - large protests in which consists of a lot of issue that shows interelasi each other _pesan - direduksi message to the protest movement to "Bring Back Our Troops Home Now!" while the case - this means reducing the value - the value of humanity that the war destroyed _.serta make Punk adopted the slogan that has the effect langsug: "Fuck the Troops" Support for the army to destroy, kill or take them home only to limit and disrupt the perception will be a situasi_ "The protester mereduksi issues - issues of war only on one single issue that digested as: militarism is OK because the war is not OK to use this _dengan how this peace movement is patriotic to support the lie to mainstream them in their opposition _mengkotakkan term alternative to the national interest: "Peace is a lie to patriotik_yang is because for them - they are true - true interest in the peace MUST reject patriotism and understand if all the country was built on the basis of oppression and exploitation have been very very clear at this point to know Punk is not patriotic "for me to be patriotic at the same time the opposition for the public is not prudish _sangat may mendukungpoint - a positive point of a country without the support poit -- negative point _.apakah the subject of death, torture or the perdulian become a reality because of one negara__menurut my point - point more than the negative point - a positive point "(MRR # 39 August 1986, Martin Sprouse) protest and all anti-war approach to the be the left wing only to promote feelings of despair and percayaan the individual is to show one - mengoposisi only way the war is to get involved in a group and check (or provide) the power of the chairman - the head of the group - the group tesebut __ .. Media is only interested in their own some statements given by the leaders - leaders selebritis_.satu - one that can be done is to buy a T-Shirt or write _.. for the left wing method - the method is a process of pre - and the definition is quite strict rules that bind and only means that the return on the "hierarchy, and the authority to take advantage - while still maintaining the benefits without the position of trying to identify things that - this is a strength that will be responsible for conflict in the gulf: the soldier who must be obeyed is based on the same system with which we learned at home a day - day. Message from the gulf-war protests have become very clear tereduksi be: Say you anger (With the most attention so hard) and then to the home and watching television "(MRR # 99 August 1991, New World Order) characterization of the failure of a wing resistance gulf-war left will have the same tendency with the wing where kanan_ .. rejected by the anarchist because selalum using techniques dominasi_dimana leaders to give commands to the followers of the storm to follow the command - the command "The left dominates the formal one as a single issue - will be pin changes to exploit a professional career through the bureaucracy and to get status - status in the struggle, as if all this if they want to show is the revolutionary "professional" _Mirip with the communist left wing also find justification through a "proposal - a proposal" to support the vote for the election politicians "progressive" that sooner or later will sell voice - a voice that they can for the sake of power and money, or even sign the law and then - the law will stifle the grantor suaranya_. Menyempatkan all those who work for themselves in the group - non-profit group that has a "goal" has certainly been the experience will be - things like that written above. Of course there is no possibility of closing the case - whether it is successful democratic - democratic left but the anarchist lakuakan see that they are just outside the skin and not only the actual changes. Most fundamental criticism of the left-wing politics is how the proposal will bagusnyapun development they tend to want changes to be part of a corrupt system, and while the destruktif .. only interested in the anarchist TOTAL CHANGES. "Millions of people of the United States are not very satisfied with all of them and all the regulator - the regulator to control their lives in all tingkatanmeskipun such people - people this is not the revolutionary because they still trust the institutions - institutions demokrasi.selama people - people still believe that they people can choose - the right person to lead them "democracy legedna" This is one rotten kekuatyan create a situation that we now live hidupi hold. "Legend Demokrsai" this is the power of government into all the countries of the world inside and the right wing and think with them political - political "progressive" they are. Of course Amt tempt at this time to believe disuatu where there is still good and honest politicians who can be selected and make positive changes (Remember the legendary Satria piningit Indonesia) if there are people who sejujur this (both in word and in deed) their involvement in the status quo, of course, makes them candidates - candidates next ruler. Even if a miracle occurs that allows the existence of the leaders - leaders "of both this" it will appear that is a problem of mistrust reformis this individual will - individual and community - a community to solve their own problems (see the case - the case in Indonesia in trjadi at this time), this is due to the reformis these people feel - people are not able to manage affairs - affairs of their own and feel the authority needed to lead all people to succeed with a better way. "I think that is a big mistake in depending on the government to run a reform towards a more equitable society, all because people are always based on the division of static and class inequality" (PE # 13, March 1992 p. 6, Felix) form - the form of reform always be - exaggerated by the left wing of the attack to the heart of the system and confront it directly: for example in the homeless and poor people are just window dressing in the agenda - their agenda without a direct attack of the ENTIRE SYSTEM KORUPdan vulturous the cause of law - law capitalism. "If there are things that need to be disclosed that it is only for the class and state authorities will be millions of individuals in the world, so be smart and dedicate the time in, they live to work hard without care at all so that their lives will never affect the structure the dominant force during this same ksekali. "(Ibid) The anarchist Punk reject all important functions of government to be written here about the possibility - the possibility that they offer along with the possibility - is also likely to draft - draft will be Anarkisme things - things that have been criticized above. Punk band that first attracted the serious anarchy is CRASS origin Inggrisuntuk detail the complete history, including their origin and adventure then they should look for books written Shibboleth Penny Rimbaud_s .. CRASS is a community consisting of approximately twelve people, in addition to a Band also make their film, newspapers and rekaman.Band this label was formed in 1978 as a reaction to The growth of revenues and Punk fashion. CRASS this business practice, which then developed into the standard business practices of that inspired by them. also in the case of merchandise. Only with the honor they will view pacifisme that some refer to the anarchist Punk CRASS as one of the main reference point the ideal anarchist Punk. "Anarchy is one - only the form of political thinking that does not seek profit or trying to control others through violence" (Flipside # 23 March 1981, CRASS) CRASS condemn either party - the party left wing and the right to use force to control and blackmail others. countries will have the same idea with the idea will have some aspects of the handover kehidupasn someone in the country (which in some cases even give their lives) .. "anarchy is the rejection will control the country and the request for representation will be to support individual choice and no longer lives on the matter all manipulation politikdengan rejection control on the other it does not mean that personal responsibility will be an interruption of all the government harassment. "As you refuse to be controlled to take you back to life hands you and that is what is called anarchy is not chaos Anarkikarena .. anarchy is a situation where you set your self .. sendiriinilah the anarchy chaos is not a place where all people do what they want without responsibility "(Ibid) is anarchy when individuals - individuals live together in trust and will honor one another. Questions about how to ensure Anarkisme support options personalnya in the community is now often a dilemma, anarklis the firm can not force others to accept apapundimana this is only requesting to bring the teaching process and to prevent the internalization prejudis and greed. "Honor will be other people (including property) can not simply make it so only because this is a learning process .. Society capitalism where we live now is an example of the community will be built in greed .. sebuh imposed socialization process in our daily life so that to treat other people as objects. "(PE # 5, Anonymus) In other words anarchist or people - people who want a positive change in the end must be willing to teach and" socialize "people to think in the issue - the issue of the human, making it possible to create a society that is free right - right there. To achieve a change in the ideology of violence and extortion without the anarchist must think people are able and want perubahanjika then not only will the anarchist fall back in lingkarasn force with which the devil uses the same attitude with things - things that they benci.suatu contradiction to the anarchist to impose things - things that dipercayainya on lain.secara natural person does not have the greedy, selfish and mutual dislike of each other because the "nature" demikiankarena it is dikondisikan by people born from the people who live in the same rack laininilah things that needed hidupi system that we now hold berjalantentu only if a child is shown in the idea - the idea pacifis and humanitarian and not a good idea - the idea that they can easily meet dikeseharian at this time, people of course will have a different view with that there is now in the world (MRR # 48 April 1987 / New York Band APPLE) The anarchist must think that everyone is able to manage themselves or Anarkisme only one thing to be elitist in nature and said that the goal that they want to achieve is one thing not mungkinIde - ideas are often based on the assumption that human nature is good and Kropotkin demonstrated by the observation that all possible befungsi tebaik during practice helping each other, thinking this is a reach of thought and Aristoteles will work for a confidence profilik linguistics Noam Chomskyhal to another the need to know is that the anarchist has surrendered a base on the mass majority will agree anarchic business "learning" without the need to become a leader. "With one or the other people - people must learn Anarkisme. But at the time of this most visible anarchist propaganda such as lectures on the people - stupid people "for the intellectual people especially are very difficult to see the Punk movement as a serious force for revolution. Media will Imaji Punk rocker is someone who always ngobat damage and this is the case diridan weaken Punk as a threat politikmeskipun so this does not stop the new wave of anarchist rhetoric make Punk - rhetoric will change and tindakanselama within an 80 to 90 an Anarchist Youth Federation ( in Minnesota, Tennessee, California and Maryland), Twin Cities (Mineapolis) Anarchist Federation, Cabbage Collective (Philadelphia), Tools Collective (Boston), Positive Force (Washington DC) and many more organizations - oraganisasi do many other activities such as showtimes / event and collecting funds for the purpose - the purpose is good. At this time, and developing collective Punk with a quick wipe around the corner duniacontoh the collective spirit of good will is what is done by the Positive Force in Washington DC. "Positive force (PF) is a group of children - young blood in DC who are working together - for the same changes. We organize the collection of funds and showtimes - free, demonstration and teaching - teaching a variety of work related to the people - people in need. We oppose racism, seksisme, Homofobia, militarism, violence, economic inequality and the sensors and many more things - things ugly lainnyaPF is not part of a political party or leadership because the command chain is a collection of children - young people who work together - for the same changes. " (pamphlet PF) PF is very active in various anti-war protests gather thousands of bays and dolardbagi various purposes such as food banks, the Washington Peace Center, AIDS Center, and more lainnyameski PF still often considered to be static and Reformis by many of the more radical anarchist in PF has been successful build community and awareness. A book is being written by the founder (not leaders) PF Mark Andersen on philosophy and history of Punk scene in Washington DC. Once again many of the Punk I iterinspirasi by word - word and action - action band - politikal Punk bands like CRASS. CRASS specifically been working with the Campaign For Nuclear Disarmament (CND) in the early 80's. Steve Ignorant try considering it "The first time we visited the place CND office in Kings Road is just a small office with two posters - posters where an 60 - which. We say we will work with mereka.mulai at that time began to wear Punk Peace symbol and learn about the history perang.
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