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Punk People's Terror Jakarta

Wednesday 11 March 2009

Jakarta - Three young children that afternoon terlehat menenteng kresek black glasses and an empty mineral water. The youth who was running a eksentrik shops in the area of Blok M, South Jakarta. Once the view is a comfortable place, they immediately sat down.

Fill the bag kresek issued. The contents appeared to red wine and beer. They then mengoplos both miras it into plastic glasses. Rotate their meminumnya. Ticklish laughter occasionally accompany the party is small.

As if they do not care to see that the pair with a variety of prejudices. There is a fear, wonder, and annoyed. In fact, there are also the gaze of memandangnya disgusted. His grooming they are not public. They look torn trousers and a full patch. They met face tindikan. Hair and they stand upright.

"Let just say what they want and what we nganggap. It is important we do not bother people," said Adenk (20), while red wine plus pour beer into gelasnya.

Adenk confess, attitudes that people like that, have always experienced children Punk community. They are dirty and it seemed to be intimidating. That's why they are aware that their communities do not have a good image in society.

They were alive and living in the streets. At night in the shop-shop emperan often become their bedroom. Latrines in the terminal market and become their bathroom. In order to eat, they generally trade or mengamen.

Patterns of living children who traveled punk Adenk and friends is certainly different from the punk lifestyle, which should have been. For the flow in this country, the UK, punk is an ideology that includes social and political aspects.

In the land of Queen Elizabeth, the punk movement started by children of the class of workers. They always try to drop the authorities with their own way. Generally through the songs with music and lyrics are simple but sometimes rough, and fast beat menghentak.

But many of the punk menyalahartikan as a troublemaker. For example in the UK that outbreaks have occurred using glue to replace the sharp smell of beer that is not terbeli by them. Many of them damage the image of punk because they hang around in the streets and perform a variety of criminal acts.

Many think that punk is just fashion and behavior, such as crop MOHAWK ala indian tribe, shoes, boots, the terrorist and criminal classes of low, heavy drinking. So when you are stylish and have such a worthy son called punk.

Understanding that one of punk kaprah also occurred in Indonesia at this time. They considered that the withdrawal of a punk who ditakuti civilian community. Feasible so that they will do to the community.

While some know, the children of punk in Indonesia, especially Jakarta, only berkutat on the stage and the band's affairs. Community can be found in every stage cadas music, especially indie beraliran.

But in the new order of government, punk communities often start to look down the road. They are involved in a number of actions carried out a number of demonstration activities, such as the People Democratic Party (prd), Forum Kota (Forkot), the National Student League for Democracy (LMND), and the Joint Forum (Forbes).

Budiman Sujatmiko, former Chairman of the General prd acknowledge, if himself had several close to the group Punk existing in some cities, especially Jakarta and Bandung.

According to Budiman, children, punk and student activists have the same goal, ie, resistance to violence, discrimination, exploitation and injustice. However, just a different way. Children generally make punk music as a way to resistance.

"They are very independent and autonomous once, they may not be able dikandangkan by political party for a particular purpose," said Budiman through short messages that already sent to detikcom.

However, in the eyes of the observer Wawan Purwanto intelligence, at this time children punk not escape from the target a number of specific political elite.

Life is not certain that they used to give a bad image to the government. "This campaign season, all could happen," Wawan demolished.

And the existence of the children of this punk dikeluhkan community. Was impressed that they only look at the sangar, I fear the latter. For example cadge money in public transport. Sometimes they ask how the force.

Is this a form of vandalism the government's image? However Wawan Purwanto, not them. "We submit to the police first urusanya. So part of the street crime," his him.
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