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The start of the history of music music punk, part 1

Saturday 21 February 2009

Not how far from Pharmacies Retna, other locations that are frequently used as a location is a rehearsal Studio One Feel exercise studio which is the most legendary and it can be spelled out almost all the bands rock / metal long been the capital of the routine practice here. Pid Pub addition, an alternative venue where bands rock underground manggung at that time is the Black Hole and restaurants Manari in the Open Air Museum Satria Mandala (embryo of Poster Caf?). Beyond that, a MA and art music events campus often in the same? Infiltration? bands are metal. Pensi historikal that some of them are Pamsos (SMA Bulungan 6), PL Fair (SMAPangudi Luhur), Kresikars (SMA 82), music events campus University National (Pejaten), Gunadarma University, University of Indonesia (Jakarta), Unika Atmajaya Jakarta, Indonesia Institute of Technology (Serpong) to the University Jayabaya (Pulomas).

Berkonsernya two international supergrup metal in Indonesia, Sepultura (1992) and Metallica (1993) contribute to the development of big band-like metal band in Indonesia. Not long after Sepultura success? Burn? Jakarta and Surabaya, speed metal band Roxx released debut album self-titled under their
Blackboard label. Cassette album soon became one of the album classic speed metal era, Indonesia 90-an. The same is also experienced by Rotor. Success fenomenal Metallica concert opening for two days in succession in the Stadion Lebak Bulus, Rotor away Thrash metal album released major label is the first in Indonesia, Behind The 8th Ball (AIRO). Bermodalkan recommendations Metallica's tour manager and honor the 30 million dollar two times to open the Metallica concert, the personnel Rotor (minus drummer Bakkar Bufthaim) eksodus away to the land of uncle Sam for the venture. Head sucker itself recorded in the late release debut album than the bandtheir other contemporary. Once contracted local major label, Aquarius
Musikindo, a new beginning in 1995 they released the album `The Head sucker?. Up to now the Head sucker already released four albums.

In such a long journey from the rock underground in the land of water, may be a new part in the first decade of 90-anlah start form many scene-underground scene in the actual meaning in Indonesia. In Jakarta alone consolidation masif the metal scene is based on the Blok M around the beginning of 1995. At the time some children are often metal
nongkrong visible on the floor 6 game center and Blok M Plaza in a famous restaurant franchise there. Activities, they hang out is in addition to exchanging information about local bands daninternasional, CD barter, sell, buy t-shirt, metal pengorganisiran to plan the concert. Some choose the other hangs out in the basement blocks Mall location that happens under the ground.

In the era of metal music this hype masif digandrungi is a subgenre of the more extreme death metal, brutal death metal, grindcore, black metal to gothic / Doom metal. Some of the shiny band name in this era is Grausig, Trauma, Aaarghhh, skull, Delirium Tremens, Corporation of Bleeding, adapter, Betrayer, Sadistis, Godzilla, and so forth. Skull grindcore band in 1996 even as the band recorded the first mini-album released independently in Jakarta with the title `It? S A Proud To vomit Him?. This album is professionally recorded in the Triple M Studio, Jakarta with the sound engineer Harry Widodo (previously handled Roxx album, Rotor, Koil, Puppen and PAS).

1996 also had to record the birth of the first underground music fanzine in Jakarta, Brainwashed zine. Brainwashed published the first edition, 24 pages with cover showing profiles and Grausig band Trauma, Betrayer and Delirium Tremens. Type in the computer-based operating system Windows 3.1 and lay-out n cut? traditional paste, Brainwashed then be 100 copies with the copy machine owned by the author's brother own. In the next edition edition-Brainwashed review the bands hardcore, punk and ska. Terbit fotokopian until after four editions, in 1997, Brainwashed was printed with a professional style of the magazine cover
full color. Until 1999, only Brainwashed strong rise up to seven editions, before finally in 2000 the author an e-zine format on the internet (http://www.bisik.com). Media similar to the next more consistent rise in Jakarta, among others, Morbid Noise zine, zine Gerilya, Rottrevore zine, zine and Cosmic so forth.

29 September 1996 marks the start of a new era for the development of underground rock in Jakarta. Right on the day that is the indie music event held for the first time in Poster Caf?. The event is called? Underground Session? is held once every two sunday night on the job. Caf? owned by legendary rocker gaek
Ahmad Albar this many "and" new indie music scene that played different music genres and more variatif. Birth scene Brit / indie pop, ska music explosion that fenomenal era 1997? 2000 until tawuran mass between a small historic mass Jakarta with Bandung also occur in this place. Sap,The Brain Machine, Stepforward, Dead pits, Bloody Gore, Straight Answers, Frontside, RU Sucks, Fudge, Jun Fan Gung Foo, Be Quiet, Bandempo, Kindergarten, RGB, Burning Inside, Sixtols, Looserz, HIV, Planet Earth, Rumahsakit, fable, hairpin, naive, Toilet Sounds, & Agus Sasongko FSOP is a small band of `satisfied? manggung there.

10 March 1999 is the death scene Poster Caf? for ever. On that day for the last time the event was held in the music there (Subnormal Revolution), which culminate unrest among the masses of people around the punk with the impact to smash the car and show some teeth in the police disperse the mass. Bubarnya Poster Caf? even beyond the allegations of many birth-venue alternative venue for their indie music scene. Caf? Butterfly is often used in Bulungan ska music scene, Pondok Indah Waterpark, GM 2000 caf? and Caf? Gueni Cikini for the scene in the Brit / indie pop, parakeet De Javu Club in Menteng gigs for punk / hardcore and indie pop. Later BB? S Bar of super-narrow in Menteng often hired for events garage-rock mellow new-wave punk rock that is now also are hot, such as The Upstairs, Seringai, The Brandals, C? Mon Lennon, Killed By Butterfly, Sajama Cut , Devotion and more. In between all of them, probably the most neutral `? and used cross-scene only Nirvana Caf? yangterletak in the basement Maharadja Hotel, South Jakarta. Also in this place, 13 back in January 2002, Puppen `end history? them in a historic concert, entitled,? Puppen: Last Show Ever?, show a sequence end Bandung this band before discharge.

Scene Punk / Hardcore / Brit / Indie Pop

Invasion music grunge / alternative album and dirilisnya's Kiss This Sex Pistols in 1992 enough to be a powerful trigger forth in the new bands do not play metal music. For example, the band's community Pestol aer Young Offender kiprahnya the beginning is often the cover songs Sex Pistols complete with dress-up punk haircut and mohawknya. Uniquely, the next trip, about 1994, aer Pestol then change the direction of their music into the band mengusung genre british / indie pop a la the Stone Roses. Perhaps, this event historik
became a significant moment for the development scene british / indie pop in Jakarta. Before the fall, in mid-1997 had released their debut album `bertitel? Jang DOELOE?. Generation of early brit pop scene, among others, this is a band Rumahsakit, Wondergel, Planet Earth, Orange, Jellyfish, hairpin, V-Room,
Parklife to Death Goes To The Disco.

Pestol aer not the first punk band, this capital city in 1989 was the birth band punk / hardcore pioneers Antiseptic who often play the numbers belonging to Black Flag, The Misfits, DRI and Sex Pistols. Lukman (Waiting Room / The Superglad) and Robin (sucker Head / Noxa) is also band alumnus. In addition to often manggung in Jakarta, Antiseptic also had manggung legendary rockfest in Bandung, Hullabaloo II at the end of 1994. Antiseptic own debut album that `Finally bertitel? new release eight years later (1997) in DIY There are also alternative bands such as Ocean that plays music ala Jane? S Addiction and the other, unfortunately, they had not released a recording.

In addition, in early 1990, Jakarta also print a punk rock band The idiots who are often initially manggung to cover songs The Exploited. Not much different with Antiseptic, nine years later, the new The idiots released their debut album which bertitel `Living In Comfort Anarchy? via indie label Movement Records. Community -
communities punk / hardcore mushroom also in Jakarta in an era of 90-in. In addition to the community Young Offender earlier, there are also communities South Sex (SS) in the area In Radio, Subnormal in Kelapa Gading, Semi-People in Duren Sawit, Brotherhood in Slipi Locos in Blok M to SID Gank in Rawamangun.

While the label classic scene from the punk / hardcore compilation album is a Jakarta Walk Together, Rock Together (Locos Enterprise) that the early release of 1997 and a single from the band, among others, Youth Against Fascism, Anti septic, Straight Answers, Dirty Edge and so on. Compilation album punk / hardcore classic is Still One, Still Proud (Movement Records) containing the single's Sexy Pig, The idiots, until Cryptical Death Out Of Control.

Bandung scene

Bandung in early 1994 there were about studio music that became legendary embryo of underground rock scene there. Reverse the name Studio is located in the Sukasenang. The establishment of this studio initiated by Richard Mutter (PAS drummer at that time) and Helvi. When growing away Reverse expand its business with the wings
a distro (distribution of the acronym), which sells CDs, tapes, posters, t-shirt, and various other accessories import. Apart from distribution, Richard also had formed independent label 40.1.24 the first label in 1997, is a compilation CD that bertitel? Masaindahbangetsekalipisan. Indie bands who participated in the compilation of this example is Burger Kill, Puppen, Papi, rotten To The Core, Full of Hate and the Waiting Room, as the only original band Jakarta.
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