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The start of the history of music music punk, part 2

Saturday 21 February 2009

Bands that had raised by this community Reverse between PAS and other Puppen. PAS own in 1993 menorehkan history of Indonesia band as the first independently released album. Mini-album which they bertitel? Four Through The SAP? ludes cassettes sold in 5000 is quite a short time. Mastermind forth the idea that released the album independently PAS is (alm) Marudut Samuel. He was Music Director of Radio GMR, a rock radio station in Indonesia, which often play a demo, demo recording rock bands amateur home Bandung, Jakarta and surrounding areas. Tragisnya, in early 1995 killed Marudut found lifeless at the residence of Krisna sucker Head in Jakarta. A surprise, this death, according to Krisna, accompanied the songs from the album The End Best of The Doors diputarnya on the tape in the room Krisna. Meanwhile Puppen formed in 1992 is one of the pioneers of hardcore local hayatnya to end in 2002 had released three albums namely, Not A pup EP (1995), MK II (1998) and Puppen s / t (2000). Pure Saturday then followed that album with the self-titled. This album and promotional assisted by O Magazine. Cubic also experiencing the same thing, with the bonus 3 track cassette album before release.
Somewhat to the east, still on as well, we'll find a community that episentrum into underground metal in there, Ujung Berung community. Formerly the area was established Studio Palapa which many meritorious raise underground bands cadas kinds Jasad, Forgotten, Sacrilegious, Sonic Torment, Morbus Corpse, Tympanic Membrane, Infamy, Burger Kill, and so forth. Here and in the early 1995's first music fanzine published in the zine called Revograms. Dinan editors, is the vocalist of the band Sonic Torment has a unique single titled? Poniard Talking?. Revograms zine was recorded three times and get all the material contents cover bands to metal / hardcore, both local and international.

Then taklama and indie fanzine like Swirl, thirteen, burning limit and the other took brisk indie media. Trolley and ripple appears as a magazine that discusses trends subkultur Bandung and jug lifestylenya. Trolley bankrupt in 2002, while a ripple of change pocket magazine to magazine format standard. Meanwhile, the fanzine is now generally fotokopian still continue to exist. Exclaim him on the music not only extreme but also the forward popnya indie scene. Pure emerged since Saturday, the indie pop band or an alternative, such as Cherry Bombshell, Sieve, Nasi Putih to the latest such as The Milo, Mocca, Homogenic. Similarly, the ska scene actually existed long before big ska trend. Noin bands such as Bullet and Agent Skins have long mengusung this music genre.

Anyone who ever witnessed the underground rock concert in Bandung certainly will not forget the famous GOR Saparua to various corners of the country. For indie bands, venue like this sacred building full of magical power. Band Bandung anywhere outside if not in the `baptism? here it's not afdhal. Artefacts subkultur underground Bandung most legendary is the silent witness digelarnya some rock show fenomenal such as Hullabaloo, Bandung Bandung Underground to noise. Number of spectators per event above are spectacular, between 5000? 7000 spectators! Ticket entry only until diperjualbelikan with all the fantastic price by the brokers. Perhaps this is a record that has not been terpecahkan far in Indonesia to show the size of underground rock.

As a barometer had dijuluki underground rock in Indonesia, Bandung is the city that offers a million clever ideas for the progress the national scene. Booming distribution of the entire Indonesian dipelopori at this time also by the city. The success of indie album to sell tens of thousands of pieces that the band experienced Mocca also started from this city. Even Burger Kill, hardcore band of a first sign the contract with major label, Sony Music Indonesia, also grew up in this city. Not to mention the magazine Trolley (RIP) and the ripple as a reincarnation Aktuil in the current, still loyal to provide the largest portion liputannya for indie bands kind of cool local Koil, cubic, Balcony, The Bahamas, Blind To See, Rocket Rockers, The Milo , Teenage Death Star, to the communal SIGIT Please check Webzine Bandung, Death Rock Star (http://www.deathrockstar.tk) to membuktikannya. Original, one of the city that I have this really dead!

Scene Jogjakarta

City student is formal nickname, but who suspected that the city was also one of the most underground rock scene in Indonesia? Well, let's browse a little history. Underground metal community Jogjakarta Jogja is one of Corpsegrinder. This community was published Human Waste metal fanzine, magazine, and the megaton event legendary in the metal there, Jogja Brebeg. Up to now the event has established ten times! Band-old underground metal band from the city, among other Death vomit, Mortal Scream, Impurity, Brutal Corpse, Mystis, Ruction.

Scene for punk / hardcore / industrial rise is that around the beginning of 1997 have the name Sabotage, Something Wrong, Noise For Violence, Black Boots, dom 65, Teknoshit to the most recent, Endank Soekamti. While the scene for indie rock / pop, some names that should seek is highlighted in the Six Sick, Bangkutaman, Strawberry? S Pop The Monophones up. In addition, most fun ska band that was born in India, Shaggy Dog, also come from this city. Shaggy Dog is now contracted EMI even later are eager to perform a concert tour around Europe for 3 months! City gudeg this was also the Parkinsound, an electronic music festival, the first in Indonesia. Parkinsound # 3 held on 6 July 2001 on the back which displays the Garden Of The Blind, Mock Me Not, Teknoshit, Fucktory, until MeLancHoLiC Bitch
Evil machine.

Scene Surabaya

Underground rock scene in Singapore began with the more grown-growing band of independent beraliran death metal / grindcore around mid 1995. History terbentuknya started from Singapore Expo event (such as Fair in DKI Jakarta - Red) where underground bands such as metal, Slowdeath, Torture, Dry, Venduzor, Bushido manggung at a music event in the event.

After the event that each band is then agreed to establish an organization called the Independent. Base camp is the purpose of the organization's establishment as a unifier and venue of information dissemination among musicians / underground metal band this time is concentrated in the area Ngagel Mulyo or property right in the studio band Retri Beauty (death metal band with all personelnya girl, now RIP - Red) . Member of the organization which is the embryo of terbentuknya underground metal scene in Surabaya are deliberately limited to only about 7-10 bands only.

Independent first time the plan was an underground rock concert in the Youth Park, but this plan failed because it was rushing to consolidation in the scene. After the clear and start growing underground metal scene in Singapore at the end of December 1997 the organization officially disbanded Independent. This work is done in order to expand the network to the not-divider tersekat or a box-terkotak community.

At times before the last Independent bubarnya organization, division record label they had recorded an album released a few pieces belonging to bands death metal / grindcore Surabaya. For example debut album Slowdeath who owned bertitel? From Sordid mindless enthusiasm to Self-Destruction? (September 96), Dry titled debut album? Under the veil of Religion? (97), Brutal Torture? Carnal Abuse?, Wist? Cemetery of Celerage? belong to debut album Fear Inside
the bertitel? Mindestruction?. Following years, then in the underground metal Surabaya dibanjiri by-label album label owned growl, Thandus, Holy Terror, Kendath to Pejah.

Instead Independent dibentuklah and Surabaya Underground Society (Sus) in the new year night 1997 in the campus University of 45, when the event rampancy diselenggarakannya I. At that time in Surabaya also has a lot of pop bands with a new flow of black metal music. One of the death metal band that is long, Dry and then move the concept along with the music derasnya influence of black metal music in Surabaya that epoch.

Only survive a few months more or less alone, Sus in the same year was split in it. Bands of black metal beraliran then separated to form a new vessel called ARMY of darkness that has a base location in the area of Karang Rejo. Unlike the black metal, bands to death metal then decided not form a new organization. Then in September 1997 event was held in the rampage II IKIP Surabaya. This event and then record their own history as the most successful event in Surabaya that epoch. 25 death metal band and black metal show since morning to evening and called by more than 800? 1000 people. Soul, black metal band Bekasi origin also appear in the band even as the invitation.

Extreme metal scene in Surabaya at that time a lot more dominated by bands of black metal band death metal / grindcore. They are also more intense in the event-event music black metal band because of the large number of black metal that appears. The black metal and the event was held successfully in Singapore such as ARMY OF Darkness I and II.

Right on 1 June 1997 dibentuklah Inferno underground community of 178 located in the markasnya Dharma Husada (Jl. Prof. DR. Moestopo, Red). In a somewhat similar to home-shop (Ruko) have recorded some of this business divisions, namely, distribution, studio music, indie label, fanzine, cafe and event organizer for the event underground in Surabaya. Events that have been in 178 degree by Inferno are, STOP the madness, HIGH Voltage I & II to BLUEKHUTUQ LIVE.

Underground bands rock shelter that is now under the flag Inferno 178, among others, Slowdeath, The sinners, Severe Carnage, System Sucks, Freecell, Bluekuthuq and so forth. Fanzine metal Inferno 178 home community, Surabaya called POST MANGLED first published in a while that I HIGH Voltage event on campus with Unair appear bands punk rock and metal. This event was classified as less successful at the same time also held a black metal event. Unfortunately, this is also followed by the mandegnya process penggarapan POST MANGLED zine that does not kunjung the latest issue edisinya until now.

Thus, to anticipate the occurrence of stagnansi or information gaps in the scene, was born and The HARD Newsletter which was first published in February 1999. Newsletter fotokopian with the format that has a number of 4 page review of many different events music underground metal, punk and HC not only in Singapore but wider again. Positive response, according to them any more justeru come from outside the city of Surabaya itself. Somehow, according to their public underground rock in Surabaya apresiatif less and less support for the publication of independent types of fanzine or newsletter is. By the end of hayatnya Lines HARD Newsletter has published edisinya to-12.

Division indie label's Inferno at least 178 to about 10 label album is still using the name as the name Independent label them. Just enter the year 2000 the label Inferno 178 Productions produces the official album's oldest punk band in Surabaya, titled The sinners? Ajang Hate?. Next label
Inferno 178 will be released to concentrate more products comments non-metal. Meanwhile, a special label for death metal / brutal death / grindcore dibentuklah and Bloody Pigs by Samir Records (now guitarist skull) with a second album Slowdeath the bertitel? Propaganda? as the first project dibarengi also hold a concert with the promo single Slowdeath in Caf? Flower of months ago that September 2000 was attended by 150 - an audience. This album was recorded even if it still sold out in only a limited amount. Ludes 200 without the rest of the chip.

Scene Malang

City of cold packed the place about three hours drive from Surabaya in fact this has the underground rock scene? Summer? decades since the early 90's. Have the name Total Suffer Community (TSC) which is the motor driving the rise of underground rock community since the beginning of Malang in 1995. Members of this community consists of various musicians cross-scene, but still dominasinya
only children's metal. Underground rock concert that was first held in the city of Malang is also organized by this community. The event titled Underground Music Parade is held in Gedung Sasana Asih YPAC on 28 July 1996 by showing local bands such as the fuselage Malang (grindcore), Ritual Orchestra (black metal), dying (death metal), Knuckle Head (punk / HC) , Grindpeace (industrial
death metal), No Man? s Land (punk), The Babies (punk) and the band origin of Surabaya, Slowdeath (grindcore) and the sinners (punk).

Malang some other bands that deserve the credit, among others, give Kerapatan, Perish, Genital Giblets, and of course Santhet rotten Corpse. The last band to be even called a pioneer style brutal death metal in Indonesia. Their debut album
bertitel? Maggot sickness? when the metal is appalling scene in Jakarta, Bandung, Yogyakarta and Bali as a solid composition and quality rekamannya is TOP NOTCH. Later the band is broken into two and one of the founders as well as guitarist, Adyth, Hijrah to Bandung and form Disinfected. Born in this city for the second time in music fanzine. Namanya Mindblast the zine
published by two scenester, Afril and Samack at the end of 1995. Afril own the ex-vocalist of the band Grindpeace now exist in the crust-grind band head, Extreme Decay. While the pioneers of indie labels until now still survive and remain productive released an album in Malang is Confused Records

Bali Scene

Talking underground scene in Bali again we will find the metal community as pelopornya. First mover is the community in 1921 in Denpasar, Bali Corpsegrinder. Participate in it exist among others, Dede Suhita, Putra Pande, Age Grindcorner and Sabdo Moelyo. Dede is a megaton metal magazine editor who published in
Jogjakarta, Putra Pande is one of the pioneers Webzine metal Indonesia
Corpsegrinder (now Anorexia Orgasm) since 1998, the age distribution is the first in Bali and Moel is a guitarist / vocalist death metal band ethnic, Eternal Madness concert are on the underground there. The name was taken from the 1921 actual duration metal music program broadcast weekly on Radio cassanova, Bali
lasted from 19:00 until 21:00 at WITA.

Early 1996 this community broken and each individual its own way. Moel with EM Enterprise on 20 October 1996 the first great underground concerts in Bali called Total Uyut in GOR Ngurah Rai, Denpasar. Bands to appear among the Bali Eternal Madness, Superman Is Dead, pokoke, Lithium, Triple Punk, Phobia, Death to Asmodius Chorus. While the bands outside Balinya is Grausig, Betrayer (Jakarta), Jasad, Dajjal, Sacrilegious, Total Riot (Bandung) and Death vomit (Jogjakarta). This concert a success up around 2000 to the audience and now the annual underground rock festival there. Either
Total Uyut alumni who now work to the entire archipelago of the original punk band Kuta, Superman Is Dead. They even became the first punk band in Indonesia, which contracted 6 album by Sony Music Indonesia. Band-band indie Bali now that stand out are Navicula, Postmen, The Brews, Telephone, Blod Shot Eyes
and of course Eternal Madness released the middle of preparing their third album in the near future.

Entering the era of 2000-an indie scene Bali the stretch. SID inspired success for the bands to Bali to try other more harder, yet the concrete SID already proved that the band `son? also able menaklukan kejamnya capital of the music industry. To support the bands Bali, drummer SID, Jerinx and some friends and then open the Maximmum The Rock N? Roll Monarchy (The Max), a music pub which is on the road Poppies, Kuta. Often rock regular events held in this place.

Indie Indonesia Era 2000-an

How is the movement of independent music scene Indonesia 2000-an era? The presence of internet technology and e-mail clearly contribute to the development of this scene. Access to information and communication that are open to create a wide network (networking) among the broad community in Indonesia. Bands and communities with a new lot of pop music style that offers more variety. Trend indie label-race competition album release local bands are also brisk, at least this effort is useful documentation of the history of tens of years.

Interesting now is that dominance of indie idiom `? and not for the underground music scene defines a non-local mainstream. Had occurred and polemic debate klasikmengenai term `indie or underground? this land in the water. Some people regard the term `underground? the bias due to the fact the more days the more underground bands that `sell-out, somehow contracted the major labels, change the style for the sake of the music business or in demand sweet album to sell tens of thousands of pieces. While some prefer to use the idiom `indie because more elastic? and, for example, more friendly for bands that do not play extreme music style. Although it seemed more compromise, this latter term indie is also increasingly used by national mass media, far
leave the term `orthodox underground? it earlier.

Exclaim him debate the indie / underground, major label or indie label, hundreds of new band was born, many tens of indie-label release many albums, thousands distro / clothing shop opened across the country. Infrastructure scene non-mainstream music is also more established from day to day. They seemingly do not care anymore polarization with indie-major label that does not substantially more. Playing music while sebebas may be more fun to be commander-`? now this.

Although less legkap whom I can help for the music lovers indonesia____OK ROCK
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